Bumi Sehat – Aceh

Bumi Sehat Foundation International has been in Aceh since just after the Tsunami in December 2004. Our organization was one of the first responders in the aftermath, and is the only responder remaining on the ground today.

Our clinic is located in the village of Cot, near the city of Meulaboh, close to the epicenter of the earthquake that caused the Tsunami.

The Aceh Community Health Clinic has two birthing rooms, two postpartum recovery areas, three general health treatment areas, and a small six-bed inpatient facility. It provides full maternal care, emergency care and in-patient services. The Clinic has grown to become a center of the community, where people gather, meet, eat and share news. Many have built homes nearby.

Bumi Sehat – Aceh Community Health Clinic provides approximately 9,000 consultations and has 75 births per year.

© 2018 Bumi Sehat Foundation International
Bumi Sehat Foundation International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organisation registered in the United States of America. Donations to Bumi Sehat are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law in accordance with U.S. IRS regulations.

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